Die zweite Auflage der Drama Workshops in den Jahrgängen 6 (Herr Grober) und 8 (Frau Toben) erreichte ihren Höhepunkt mit dem Auftritt des White Horse Theatre am vergangenen Donnerstag, 26.06.14. Die im Englischunterricht des Jahrgangs 6 erarbeiteten Theaterstücke „A Pinch of Salt“, eine kurzweilige Shakespeare Adaption im fairy tale-Gewand, sowie das im 8. Jahrgang bearbeitete „Sticks and Stones“ mit dem ernsteren Thema „Mobbing“ wurden live on stage vor insgesamt 320 begeisterten Schülerinnen und Schülern performt. Im Anschluss daran hatte das Publikum ausreichend Gelegenheit dem Ensemble Fragen zu ihrer Arbeit zu stellen und sich Autogrammwünsche erfüllen zu lassen. Hier einige students‘ responses:
“ I liked the play ‚Sticks and Stones‘. The actors were really good and represented the play well. The best were the sounds in the dreams. The play was exciting and impressive. After the play the students had the opportunity to ask the actors about the play and about themselves. So we found out which other plays they perform, how old they are and which countries they are from.“ Jann Biehler, 8.3
„The performance was really good and the actors were great. Before we watched the play we had read the book about it so we understood the play better. After the play we asked the actors something we wanted to know. The actors were really nice. I think it’s important that students watch the play because then maybe the bullying will stop.“ Amelie Koch, 8.3